Stop Shuffling in Your Runs: Open Your Stride with This


If you haven’t caught the first two articles & videos on this topic, be sure to jump to this link and learn about running through fatigue, and this link on running from your core.

When I work with runners as patients or clients, there’s typically a similar theme in their run form.

While it plagues the middle and back of the back, I’ve seen some darn fast runners get torched by this, too.

It’s shuffling.

Low sweeping legs that scuff the ground. It’s incredibly inefficient technique that overloads the lower leg and drastically shortens how far they travel on every step.

As a run goes on and fatigue builds, it typically magnifies into something that slows a running pace significantly.

Take a look at this video below, then drop a line in the comments and let me know what you think. Are you a shuffler? Would you try this to open your stride to run faster (or maintain speed when tired)?

To download my tip sheet to stop shuffling, click here.

[maxbutton id=”4″ url=”/pdf/Stop%20Shuffling%20Cheat%20Sheet.pdf” text=”DOWNLOAD PDF HERE” ]

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