Get training tips and tricks from Physical Therapists who love to run as much as you.
How to Strengthen Your Glutes: The Speedskater
Are you focused on strength training but still getting injured? Here may be the problem: Your exercises aren’t runner-specific. Many runners believe...
How to Stretch Tight Hips for Runners
Do you struggle to open your stride because of tight hips? If so, this stretch is for you! As a physical therapist, I’ve seen many running injuries...
How to Get Back to Running After Injury (Avoid This Trap)
Frustrated by injuries that seem to linger or take forever to go away? If so, you’re not alone. As a Physical Therapist, I find most runners...
The Three Best Balance Exercises for Runners
Are you struggling with imbalances that ruin your running? If so, this short exercise sequence can help you fix your imbalances for fast &...
The Exercise Runners Should Stop Doing
Are weak glutes making it difficult for you to run consistently and injury-free? As a physical therapist, I see a lot of runners doing exercises...
How to Use Strength to Improve Your Run Form
When we talk about run form, conversations often revolve around cadence, posture or breath control. While these factors are super important, a lot...
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