Get training tips and tricks from Physical Therapists who love to run as much as you.
Supercharge Your Running with Functional Strength Training
Looking forward to enjoying some sweet summer miles? Here's the secret sauce to make it happen -- and get ready for fall races: functional strength...
Strength for Runners: Secret to Fitting It In
All runners know what it feels like. You're juggling a job, family, house chores, and maybe even caring for an older family member or a pet. On top...
Carb Loading for Runners: Your Guide to Fueling Up for Success on Race Day
Whether you're a seasoned marathoner or gearing up for your first half marathon, we all know the importance of proper nutrition in our running...
Secret to Better Running: Avoiding the Breakdown Pace and Embracing Your Base Pace
Do you find yourself constantly exhausted and prone to injury? You might be surprised to learn that the solution lies in slowing down! As a...
How to Test Your Running Fitness: Using 5K and 10K Races to Reach Your Race Day Goals
You're getting ready for race day. You laid out your training plan and have a goal in mind, but how do you know if it's realistic? Many runners...
From Awkward to Effortless: Navigating the Journey of Changing Your Run Form
Ready to take your running to the next level? Understanding what to expect when changing your run form is half the battle. Below, I discuss what you...
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