Get training tips and tricks from Physical Therapists who love to run as much as you.
How to Stop Running Injuries from Ruining Your Training
Do you want to get the most out of your training in 2022? Avoiding injury is the key. A lot of runners come to my physical therapy practice...
How to Run Injury-Free in 2022
Runners who “just run” and struggle with injury are in for more of the same in 2022. Why? Running all the time builds imbalances in muscle groups...
Pace Yourself for Running Success in 2022
“On January 1, I’m going to get serious about my training.” I hear this often from my runners as a physical therapist. It’s common to have...
Best Hip Flexor Stretch for Runners
Does it take you a mile to warm up because of hip stiffness? If so, read on! Hip flexibility is the secret to opening up your stride for faster,...
The Must-Try Quad Stretch for Runners
If your quad muscles are tight, read this. Having tight quads is a common problem with runners. You need flexibility in your thighs and quads to...
The Best Lunges for Runners
When it comes to running, not all lunges are equal. As a physical therapist, I typically find that runners bias themselves to the standard lunge....
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