How to Run Negative Splits

by | Jul 14, 2022 | Training & Racing

Want to negative split your next run or race?

I’ll run you through the steps to make it happen in this blog! (Puns intended)

Here’s the thing:
Most runners struggle to finish runs strong.

It doesn’t have to be this way — whether it’s hitting “the wall,” taking a trip on the struggle bus, or feeling like the wheels fell off.

You can run strong from start to finish, reel in runners by the dozen, and grab a nice PR.

Watch the video to learn how!

Making it Happen

As a run progresses, runners close down their stride and “muscle through it.”

It’s marked with a progressive shuffle and feet that barely clear the ground.

With each foot scuff, you lose speed, and the calves and quads start to burn.

The shuffling compounds with each mile, making it harder and harder to hold pace.

The result?
Your pace begins to climb.  At first, it’s a few seconds per mile, then 10-15 seconds.  Before you know it, you’re taking a trip on the struggle bus.

It doesn’t have to be like this.

You can finish runs strong and break through the dreaded “wall.”

It’s what I’ll be teaching in Kneed for Speed, an annual four-week bootcamp that begins on July 31.

Run Faster Without Training Harder

If you’re running a race this fall or struggle to finish runs strong, this program is for you!

In Kneed for Speed, runners learn how to:

  • Run from their glutes & core
  • Break away from shuffling & scuffing that kills speed
  • Improve flexibility that frees up the legs to run faster
  • Boost strength in key muscle groups to fuel faster running

The best part? Kneed for Speed works into existing training plans, and the techniques are simple to learn.

Get all the drills, training & exercises you need in one easy-to-follow program. 

Included with Kneed for Speed:

  • Step-by-step video training for 4 weeks to improve your run form
  • Stretches & exercises to fix bad habits that stop you from running fast
  • Weekly guided audio runs that teach technique while running
  • Weekly live coaching and Q&As to answer all your questions
  • Speed & pace control sessions to dial in your pace for any distance
  • Lifetime access to go at your own pace or review in the future.

Whether you’re looking to run faster or set a new PR (without training harder or running more miles), check out Kneed for Speed!

Ready to Train Smarter?

Join RunSmart for free and explore personalized running plans, Physical Therapist-designed strength training, yoga, and more.

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