Hip Flexor Stretch for Runners

by | Feb 3, 2021 | Injury Prevention, Running Form

Do you feel stiff and tight when you run? Maybe you struggle to pick up your feet when your run?

If so, the stretch below is perfect for you.

With more runners working from home and sitting more, hip tightness is a big problem.

Why does it matter?
Good hip flexibility allows you to open your stride and run faster. It doesn’t end there. Flexible hips also protect you from injury. This is particularly true for anyone struggling with low back pain.

As a Physical Therapist, I don’t have to look far for runners who know how to stretch their calf or hamstrings. When it comes to the hips — that’s a different story.

Try the stretch below before or after your run for the next week. You will feel looser and stronger on your runs.


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  • Stream strength programs that build core and glute strength for fast and injury free running
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  • Access exercises and stretches to loosen up and fix trouble areas

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