Glute & Hip Warm-Up for Runners

by | Sep 23, 2021 | Strength Training

Do you require a few miles to work through soreness and stiffness?

If so, the execise below can help you wake up sleepy muscles and prep your body for a great run!

Stiffness and soreness are common amongst runners.  It’s often a sign that your body asking for help.

Here’s the thing:
Sore and stiff areas are not usually the problem — they are only the symptom.

A variety of symptoms, from stiffness and soreness to pain and discomfort, often develop due to compensation.

Most often, the compensations – or imbalances – develop from weakness or lacking flexibility.

That’s why I love the exercise below. Not only does it target key areas of weakness and tightness most runners struggle with, but it helps prep the body for a run where you can feel great.

Give 20 reps on each side and see how you feel on your next run.

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RunSmart is a full-service training app that helps runners over 40 train smarter and prevent injury.

Included in the RunSmart App:

  • Access 40+ strength workouts that fix imbalances that cause injury and slower running
  • Access to the full RunSmart Protocol seminar that teaches you a step-by-step system to injury prevention and recovery
  • Build a custom training plan using the Gonser Method — which focuses on preventing injury and maximizing performance
  • RunSmart Mechanix, a full run form improvement program designed to address and fix your running form.
  • Access to RunSmart coaches, including Steve Gonser PT DPT, with live Q&A sessions and direct lines to ask questions
Want to try the RunSmart App and commit to training smarter?

Start a $1 two-week trial today and receive my favorite 30-minute strength workout for FREE as a limited time bonus.

The free workout is yours to keep regardless of your membership status. The workout helps runners fix imbalances that cause injury and slower running by targeting the glutes, core, and balance.

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