by Steve Gonser PT DPT | Oct 1, 2021 | Injury Prevention, Strength Training
Did you know that 50-80% of runners get injured every year? As well as experiencing pain and discomfort, runner’s are also forced to miss races that they’ve trained for weeks, months, or even years. As a physical therapist, I’m constantly faced with patients who are...
by Steve Gonser PT DPT | Sep 29, 2021 | Strength Training
If you’re struggling with balance, stability or injury, there’s something you should know: improving your running starts with good strength. Finding a solution to these problems is all about identifying your weaknesses and taking action to improve them. As a Physical...
by Steve Gonser PT DPT | Sep 25, 2021 | Strength Training
If you’re trying to improve your running, core strength is essential. Many running careers are hindered by injury, lack of speed or poor balance – three issues often caused by a weak core. As a physical therapist, I continually treat runners who struggle to run...
by Steve Gonser PT DPT | Sep 23, 2021 | Strength Training
Do you require a few miles to work through soreness and stiffness? If so, the execise below can help you wake up sleepy muscles and prep your body for a great run! Stiffness and soreness are common amongst runners. It’s often a sign that your body asking for help....
by Steve Gonser PT DPT | Sep 21, 2021 | Strength Training
Have you been facing injury after injury while training for a race? Want to fix the imbalances that are the route cause? I’ve got you covered. Runners walk into my physical therapy clinic every week with a range of complaints. Whether they’ve got tight hamstrings,...
by Steve Gonser PT DPT | Jun 5, 2021 | Strength Training
If you’re goal is to run and train consistently, then these glute exercises for you. Fact is, most running injuries can be avoided through smarter training and adding in targeted exercises. On the exercise front, the key is to target areas that are often...