Best Core Exercises to Improve Run Form

by | Mar 5, 2022 | Running Form

When you consider run form, what comes to mind?

Most likely you’re thinking about a variety of drills to improve your stride.

While drills are important, you need the strength to maintain your run form from start to finish.

That’s why this core exercise is so important:


How to Do It

Lie down on your side and push yourself up to your elbow in a side plank position. Make sure you have a straight line throughout your body.

Start with a 10-second hold and build up to a minute. Once holding for a minute becomes comfortable, do more reps.

For a challenge, get in the side plank position and lift your top leg. You will probably need to drop back to 10 seconds and work up again. Make sure to do both sides.

Side Plank Variations

If the full side plank bothers your shoulder, there’s a variation you can do.

Lie down on your side, bend your knees to 90 degrees behind you, and push yourself up on your elbow. Start with 10 seconds and work up to a minute.

If your shoulder is still giving you trouble, there’s another variation you can try.

Stand up with your right hand on your hip and hold a weight in your left hand like a suitcase. Then lift your left leg to your knee and hold for 10 seconds, working up to a minute.

Make sure you’re standing upright and your hip isn’t dropping. The heavier the weight, the more you will activate your core muscles. Be sure to do both sides.

Main Takeaway

Having a strong core is necessary if you want to improve your run form.

Side planks are a great way to start building your core strength, but you will need more exercises to really improve your running.

That’s where the Midfoot Project comes in!

With our 5-week bootcamp, you will learn all the exercises and drills you need to overhaul your run form for faster, injury-free running.

If your stride is off, don’t miss this once-a-year opportunity to fix your running technique!

Ready to Improve Your Run Form?

Join the Midfoot Project with Physical Therapist Steve Gonser!

Transform your stride for faster, injury-free running in just 5 weeks!

Here’s what you get with the Midfoot Project:

  • Step-by-step video training that teaches you everything you need to fix old habits
  • Weekly guided audio runs that teach you technique while running
  • Every drill & exercise you need to transform your running & avoid getting hurt
  • Weekly study guides to keep you organized
  • Access to the Private Midfoot Project Group & coaches to get support and ask questions
  • Weekly Live Q&A sessions to get all your questions answered
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to go at your own pace, pair with your training, or access in the future

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