Get training tips and tricks from Physical Therapists who love to run as much as you.
The Factors That Slow Down Your Running and How to Eliminate Them
While some runners cruise at a continuous pace on every run, most people will notice some variation in their stats. If you’re feeling particularly...
Fixing Big Rocks: How to Improve Run Form for Lasting Change
Form often falls to the bottom of the priority list for most runners, especially during racing season. We become super focused on speed or hitting...
Pronation: Control for Long-Term Running Success
If you spend your time scrolling through running articles online, no doubt you’ll have heard that pronation is the devil. Everyone thinks that...
The 60% Rule for Successful Running, Training, and Racing
When runners glance at the calendar and realize their race is coming up faster than expected, it’s completely normal to enter panic mode. As a...
The Best Way to Fix Weak Glutes in Runners
Did you know that 50-80% of runners get injured every year? As well as experiencing pain and discomfort, runner’s are also forced to miss races that...
How to Strengthen the Core With a Bridge
If you’re struggling with balance, stability or injury, there’s something you should know: improving your running starts with good strength. Finding...
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