Run Stronger, Faster, Better.
Improve your run form in four weeks and unlock more speed with Kneed for Speed.
Unlocking More Speed
Running faster and setting new PRs doesn’t require you to train harder.
You’re sitting on a pile of untapped potential and new PRs – it just needs to be unlocked. Faulty form or run habits are the problem—acting like a parachute tied around your hips, slowing you down with every step.
When you learn to leverage your run form, you can cut your parachute free and unlock more speed than you knew you had.

When you run, do you…
Shuffle Your Feet
Are your feed scuffing as you run?
Catch Your Toe / Trip
A sign that your running from your feet
Struggle with Pacing
You slow a lot at the end of runs and races
Not get faster
They look like you’re walking.

Yes? Then You’re Leaving Speed on the Table
You may know it as shuffling or scuffing – or maybe that photo where it looks like you’re walking fast?
It’s because you run from your feet – not your glutes.
Running from the feet is how most run. The style of running prioritizes smaller muscle groups in your stride and neglects your power and speed muscles, the glutes, hips, and core.
Instead, learn to run from your glutes to
Travel further on every step
Control Your Pace Better
Run Faster & More Efficiently
That’s Why We Created

Transform your stride and run from your glutes to unlock more speed in just four weeks.

Week One
Speed Prep
If you’re going to run faster, you need to be working with the right equipment. In week one you’ll be learning how to start transforming your running, but you’ll also learn stretches and exercises to help support your new run form.
Live Q&A (replay available)
Focus on Mobility, Strength
Begin Drills & Retraining
Guided Audio Run
Week Two
Building the Habit
Learn how to build a strong habit that will carry you through hills, long runs and harder efforts. This is the first stepping stone to learn how use your new form during races and long/harder runs.
Training: 40 minutes
Live Q&A (replay available)
Build on Mobility, Strength
Incorporate into runs
Guided Audio Run
Week Three
Perfecting Your Stride
Most runners make common errors when learning this new of running. Week 3 is all about addressing these errors to make sure you learn the proper way.
Live Q&A (replay available)
Build on Mobility, Strength
Dial in & Build Habit
Guided Audio Run
Week Four
Racing and Training
In week four, Steve will teach you how to run faster on flats, uphill, and downhill. You’ll also learn how to fight back against tired legs and keep your pace, even when you’re tired.
Live Q&A (replay available)
Fine Tune New Form
Tackle Terrain & Races
Guided Audio Run
A Step-by-Step Process to Unlock More Speed in Four Weeks
Kneed for Speed makes it simple to make meaningful “strides” in your run form.
Weekly Training
Learn the basis for everything you’ll practice and the drills and exercises to make it happen.
Practice During Runs
Head out the door and practice what you learn; we even have guided runs to coach you while running.
Connect & Engage
Weekly Q&As and our private group ensures you have the support you need.
See Changes Fast
Most runners see benefit in less than a week!

Is my garmin drunk?
I took 6 minutes of my 5k and I wasn’t trying…. I’ll take it and I m feeling stronger…Steve’s right folks
– Kristin Hynes

I’m so chuffed!
This is the longest run I’ve done yet and the best I’ve ever felt on a long run. I used knee drive at times when I could feel myself tiring. I really enjoyed this run!
– Sarah Beth-Sheridan

That’s the look of satisfaction!
That’s the look of satisfaction when you finally have a good knee drive during a run!
– Derek Hollinshead
Save 50% Now Through November 29
Two Options to Join Kneed for Speed
Join today and secure your spot before prices increase after Friday, August 16, 2024.
Buy Kneed for Speed
$157 USD
Only $78.50 for Limited Time
Four week run form training
Weekly audio runs
Training guide and tracker sheets
Exercise and drills to improve run form
Pay Once, Lifetime Access
Includes One Year Access to RunSmart
RunSmart Subscription
Most Popular
$9.92/mo USD
Billed Annually, Cancel anytime
Access to Kneed for Speed
Personalized Running Plans (5K – Marathon)
Strength Training for Runners
Yoga for Runners
Train Smarter with Physical Therapists

The “Kneed for Speed” program by RunSmart is a MUST DO program
This will create a new paradigm for you and the only one that benefits is YOU!!! Invest in yourself and enjoy the newfound form and speed…I sure have!!!
– Mike Davison

Just do it!
To all the undecided runners who still wonder about joining the upcoming Kneed For Speed program: Just Do It!!!!!! I really saw the value of doing the KFS program as I could then apply the learnings to maintain the desired pace throughout the run.
– Estelle Lifran

The guided run was BRILLIANT
I really felt the difference – and your count downs got me primed and ready for the surge! Thank you! Such a great idea!
– Victoria Tomison
Have a question that’s not addressed, email us!
When does Kneed for Speed start?
Kneed for Speed is an OnDemand program you can start anytime. Live events training of the program are available once a year.
I already have a RunSmart membership. Is Kneed for Speed included?
Yes, Kneed for Speed is included with all active memberships. Go to Explore > Programs > Kneed for Speed to learn more.
What is the time commitment each week?
The time commitment for this program is between 30 and 60 minutes per week for four weeks. Most of the run form training is completed while you’re out running, which means you can practice without adding more to your schedule.
How long do I have access to Kneed for Speed?
If you purchase the program you have lifetime access. After August 18th, 2024, the program can also be accessed OnDemand in the RunSmart App.
How do I access Kneed for Speed?
The entire program is accessed online. If you purchase the program outright, you will receive a download link shortly after purchase. If you purchase a subscription to RunSmart, you’ll can access the program by logging into the platform on your computer or via the app.
I'm in the middle of my training plan, can I still do this?
Absolutely! In fact, this program is great to learn through a training cycle. By practicing during your long runs and workouts, you’ll be ready to use this on race day!
Will this program work for triathletes?
Learning what is taught in Kneed for Speed is AMAZING for triathletes. By learning to improve your running form you’ll be able run stronger off the bike.
Do I need special equipment?
No. The exercises and training are intended to be done at home without the use of exercise equipment.

Can Kneed for Speed help my running?
You betcha.
As a runner myself, I know how frustrating it is to train for months, only to see your race (and legs) blow up. The struggle is real.
And while there are no promises that things will go your way on race day, you can stack the deck in your favor.
That’s exactly what Kneed for Speed teaches. In just four weeks, I’ll teach you how to break away from shuffling and other flaws that slow you down in training and on race day.
You’re truly faster than you know.
Let me show you how.

Ready to Run Faster?
Join Kneed for Speed and overhaul your run form to unlock more speed – without having to run more or train harder.