Setting Heart Rate Zones with RunSmart

Accurately setting up your heart rate zones is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of your training. RunSmart uses the Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) method to personalize these zones based on your fitness level. Here’s how you can set up and update your heart rate zones within the app.

Step 1: Retrieve Your Resting Heart Rate (RHR) 

Before you can set up your heart rate zones, you need to know your current resting heart rate. Your RHR gives us a baseline of your cardiovascular fitness and is essential for calculating your heart rate zones accurately.

How to Retrieve Your RHR:

  • Ensure your compatible smartwatch (Garmin, Apple, COROS) is connected to RunSmart. Learn how to connect your watch here.
  • Wear your watch while resting or sleeping to get an accurate RHR measurement.
  • Access this data directly from your watch or sync it with the RunSmart app to automatically retrieve it.
Garmin Resting Heart Rate

On Your Garmin Watch:

  • Swipe up within the glance to see your average RHR values for the last 7 days.
  • Tap the down button, locate and select heart rate, note RHR (resting heart rate)

In the Garmin Connect App:

  • Home Page: Displays real-time heart rate data.
  • Detailed Information: Tap the heart rate glance for detailed daily heart rate information.
  • 7-Day Average: View your average RHR over the past week.
  • Comprehensive View: Review your heart rate data over a month or year to analyze trends.
Apple Resting Heart Rate
  • Go to the Heart Rate app on your Apple Watch.
  • Turn the Digital Crown to Range, Resting Rate, Walking Average, Hiking, Post-Workout, or Mindfulness to show your heart rate throughout the day.
COROS Resting Heart Rate
  • From the main watch face, long press the back button to open the Toolbox widget.  Scroll through the widgets until you find the RHR Test.
  • The displayed Resting Heart Rate value in the app is automatically updated with the lowest test value in the past 90 days. If it is manually edited, the value will be reflected in the app display. If it is not tested or not manually modified, the system default is 55.

Step 2: Enter Your RHR and Date of Birth in RunSmart

Navigating to the Right Section:

  • Go to the ‘Results’ section of the RunSmart app where you monitor your training and health metrics.
  • Open the heart rate data container and enter your RHR value and your date of birth. Your DOB is used to estimate your maximum heart rate, which is crucial for the next step.

Step 3: Calculate Your Heart Rate Zones Using the HRR Method

How It Works:

  • RunSmart calculates your Heart Rate Reserve by subtracting your RHR from your estimated maximum heart rate (The formula generally used is 220 – your age).
  • From this, several training zones are derived, each corresponding to different training intensities and objectives, from light recovery runs to high-intensity intervals.

Step 4: Manually Update Your Heart Rate Zones (Optional)

If you have undergone a professional assessment or prefer to customize your zones based on personal experience or a coach’s advice, RunSmart allows you to manually adjust these settings.

How to Manually Adjust Zones:

  • Within the same ‘Results’ section, select the option to ‘Edit Zones’.
  • Enter the specific heart rates for each zone according to your preferences or professional advice.

Why Set Up Heart Rate Zones?

  • Personalized Training: Tailored heart rate zones help you train more efficiently, ensuring you’re working at the right intensity to meet specific fitness goals.
  • Progress Tracking: Monitor how your zones change over time as your cardiovascular fitness improves.
  • Recovery Management: Avoid overtraining by staying within recommended heart rate limits, particularly during recovery sessions.